Years can stretch on between loves, and in that waiting, we forget the simple truth: to love is to love. This experience teaches you the innate need for patience. Whispering affirmations, you remind yourself that growth unfolds in the unknown. Yet, thoughts of self-doubt and lack of faith inevitably wash over you.
But then again, you return to the mere thought of hope. It lingers in the crevices of other voices, a whisper that sparks a glimmer and reminds you of what is not yet lost. This, in turn, ignites a flame of faith. And within this renewed faith lies the answer. We dissect ourselves, searching for flaws, because we’ve forgotten that love embraces us exactly as we are.
We choose to find problems and “fix” ourselves. But isn’t the need to fix ourselves to find love counterintuitive to the notion that love is about acceptance, forgiveness, surrender, and simply being? True love starts within us. When this realization dawns, that’s when you know: to love is to love.